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Laboratory and Diagnostics

When we need laboratory information quickly to help your pet, we can do blood chemistries and electrolyte analyses, complete blood counts, urine, fecal, skin evaluations, and radiographs, right in the hospital. When your pet is in need of specialized test or blood work monitoring for a chronic condition, we will send your pet’s samples to an outside laboratory. Sending samples to an outside laboratory is more efficient when time is not of the essence and it allows us to spend more face-to-face time with you and your pet.

In-House Bloodwork

A blood chemistry panel gives us information about your pet’s internal organ function. It evaluates kidney & liver function, screens for diabetes, checks electrolytes and protein levels. A complete blood count gives us information about your pet’s blood cells. It screens for anemia, infection, inflammation, and clotting capabilities.

Heartworm Testing

Heartworms are parasites that can live in the heart, major blood vessels, and the lungs. Left untreated, heartworms can be life-threatening. Yearly tests are done to screen for these parasites. The test only takes a drop of blood and a few minutes.

Feline Infectious Diseases Testing

Feline Immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infections are two of the most serious, life-threatening illnesses in cats. Yearly tests are done to screen for these diseases. The test only takes a couple drops of blood and about 10 minutes.


A urinalysis can be an essential part of evaluating your pet’s health. It screens for blood cells, bacteria and crystals, which normal urine is void of. It also helps to evaluate kidney health.

Fecal – Intestinal Parasite Testing

We recommend testing the feces for intestinal parasites at least once a year. Pets can pick up intestinal parasites just by going outside and we can bring them into the house. Even indoor potting soil can contain intestinal parasite eggs, which is why it’s important to test fecal samples on all of our pets, even those that don’t venture outdoors. These parasites may be unseen to you, which is why it is imperative to test for them at least on a yearly basis.

Skin Cytologies

There are a variety of skin conditions that may require diagnosis by skin cytology. Most skin cytologies consist of looking for bacteria, yeast, mites and fungal infections.

Radiographs (X-Rays)

Radiographs are helpful in identifying a variety of pet health conditions. We use digital radiographs to evaluate muscular-skeletal issues, such as bone fractures, hip dysplasia, and cat or dog arthritis. They are also used to examine various organs—including the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and small intestine—for irregularities. These could range from a foreign body lodged in the stomach or intestine, to the presence of fluid, a tumor, or disease.